DMG Securities, Inc. - name in heading



DMG Securities, Inc. (DMG) is a privately owned full-service securities brokerage firm registered in all 50 states and the District of Columbia.  We offer our clients throughout the United States a wide range of investment vehicles and financial advice.  Our experienced group of highly motivated professionals are dedicated to providing the best in personalized financial service to our clients.



Our Goal is Service


Meeting your unique financial goals is our top priority.  Your Account Executive will meet you to discuss your individual investment objectives, specific requirements and your long-term financial goals.  We want to assist you and we are at your service.


SIPC Protection


In addition to the $500,000 of protection provided by the Securities Investor Protection Corporation (SIPC), National Financial Services LLC, our clearing agent and a New York Stock Exchange member firm, has a separate Excess SIPC policy which increases individual account protection (at no cost to the customer) to cover the total net equity in your account of which $250,000 continues to be in cash (Note: Neither SIPC nor excess coverage protect against a decline in the market value of securities).


Privacy Policy and Practices


At DMG Securities, Inc., we value your business and the trust you place in us to protect your non-public personal information.  Therefore, we consider it important to tell you about our Privacy Policies and Practices.


Business Continuity Planning


DMG Securities, Inc. has developed a Business Continuity Plan on how we will respond to events that significantly disrupt our business.  Since the timing and impact of disasters and disruptions is unpredictable, we will have to be flexible in responding to actual events as they occur.  With that in mind, we are providing you with this information on our business continuity plan.




Retail Brokerage Services


In today's highly complex investment environment, it is important that your financial Account Executive fully understands your particular financial needs and can find the opportunities for growth in a rapidly changing marketplace.  Whether you are an individual or an institutional investor, our professionals will tailor financial programs to meet your investment objectives.  DMG handles orders on the Listed Exchanges and the Over The Counter (OTC) market through our fully disclosed clearing arrangement with National Financial Services LLC, who acts as our clearing firm.  We utilize independent research and our trading relationships place us in the forefront of the marketplace, allowing us to better serve our customers.


To view Order Routing information per SEC Rule 606 click here [external site]




  • Common Stocks
  • Closed-End Funds
  • Convertible Bond Funds
  • Corporate Bond Funds
  • Exchange Traded Funds
  • IRA Plans
  • Money Market Funds
  • Municipal Bond Funds
  • Mutual Funds
  • Pension Plans
  • Preferred Stocks
  • Profit-Sharing Plans
  • SEP Plans
  • Tax-Deferred Investments
  • Treasury Securities

Whatever your needs, we want to help.



DMG Securities, Inc. is a privately owned full-service securities brokerage firm registered in all 50 states and the District of Columbia.  We are an experienced group of highly motivated professionals dedicated to providing the best in personalized financial service to our clients.


We are currently interested in expanding our network of sales professionals. At DMG, we are committed to the highest standards in the securities industry and are interested in hiring only the best individuals. For the right person, a career with DMG can be personally fulfilling, and with our outstanding commission payout schedule, it can be lucrative as well. If you are a determined entrepreneur dedicated to excelling in your career, then DMG is interested in speaking with you.


DMG Securities money management



Position Available - Stockbroker/Account Executive


This sales position entails building and servicing clientele, keeping clients abreast of pertinent market information, maintaining an in-depth understanding of the wide variety of financial products and services that DMG has to offer, ascertaining the financial needs of individual customers, and making suitable recommendations to customers. A background in business is preferred but we will consider all academic majors. Sales experience is helpful but not mandatory. Candidates will be evaluated on individual merit.


DMG Securities stock brokerageTo help achieve the excellence we expect from our Account Executives, we make a major commitment to providing advice and guidance.  Each individual will be directly mentored and supervised by Registered Principals of our firm.  During the initial phase of training you must pass the securities examinations required by the Financial Industry Regulatory Authority (FINRA).  To prepare for the examinations it will be necessary to receive specialized education from a recommended financial school. DMG Securities will pay the tuition for the financial school.  An examination and registration fee is required by the applicant, these fees are reimbursed to the applicant after achieving minimal production benchmarks.  No fees are required from veterans of military service.  Subsequently, our extensive mentoring program, conducted by our experienced DMG representatives, will commence with guidance and advice designed to assist individuals from their initial stages in the securities business and provide supplemental training to meet the continuing educational needs of our DMG Account Executives.




Why Should You Consider A Career As A Stockbroker With DMG Securities, Inc.?


  • DMG is a full-service securities brokerage firm and a member of the Financial Industry Regulatory Authority (FINRA) and Securities Investors Protection Corporation (SIPC).
  • One-on-one personalized guidance through a mentor program involving DMG's most experienced and successful Account Executives.
  • In-house training and advice provided by Registered Principals of DMG.
  • Lucrative payout schedule with an enhanced payout for entry-level brokers.
  • Opportunities for management.
  • An environment for success.
  • Financial incentives for continuing industry and professional education.
  • A growing presence in the investment community.
  • All educational majors considered.



DMG Securities’ Chairman answers the most frequent applicant questions about DMG and the Securities Industry.


How long has DMG been in business?

Although DMG has been in existence much longer, I did not purchase the firm until 2001. I am happy to say that in the many years I have owned the firm, not one DMG broker has been sanctioned for a regulatory violation with a customer. I am proud of that, it is a claim that many other firms are not able to make. It is a testament to how we try to do business.


Why did you start your own firm?

In my career, I have held several high profile positions at a number of firms. Like thousands of stockbrokers on Wall St., some of the firms they previously worked for or currently work for had some regulatory issues.  Although I was never responsible for any of my previous firm’s regulatory issues, I got tired of being tainted by and having to address mistakes made by the owners of the firm. Unlike the thousands of good people in the securities industry who had the same experience, I had the expertise and money to start my own firm.  The risk and challenge has proven to be an excellent decision. In a time when large brokerage firms have paid regulatory fines of millions or hundreds of millions, DMG has fared well.  In my numerous years of ownership, we have paid a total of twelve thousand five hundred dollars to settle a written supervisory procedure issue. We used the procedure in question for many years and the previous ownership used the same procedure many years before that. In all of those years there was never a single customer problem, but a regulator felt that unless the procedure was clarified, it had the potential of creating a problem. Although we did not agree with the regulator’s opinion, in a spirit of cooperation, we immediately changed our procedures to satisfy the regulator. In a highly regulated industry, with a dizzying number of rules, we believe our response demonstrates that we respect and are committed to the regulatory aspect of our industry. DMG’s philosophy is to strive to do everything the right way and the best way. Our brokers will never have to be concerned about DMG cutting corners and reflecting poorly on them.


Why haven’t I been able to find a great deal of financial information on the Company?

Public companies are required to publish their financials. We are a privately owned company, therefore we are not required to release our financial information to the public. However, we are very strong financially. In recent years, many firms have gotten into financial trouble and many had to be bailed out by the federal government just to survive. DMG has never needed a penny from anyone to stay in business and has always had capital in excess of what is required.


What kind of income can I expect to make at DMG?

It varies with each individual. Typically, after a couple of years, a talented and dedicated DMG broker is in the six-figure range and it could be substantially higher. It can be very lucrative. We believe we have an outstanding payout plus incentive structure.


Does DMG offer a salary or are brokers paid on commission?

Personally, in my over 40 years in the industry, I have never had a salary. From my first day as a new stockbroker to present day, my income has always been based on merit. The right person does not want or need a salary; the wrong person will fail as soon as the temporary salary is removed. You can’t ask customers to have the confidence to invest with you if you don’t have confidence to rely on your own abilities.

There is a finite pool of money to pay brokers and I want to use that money to pay more to successful brokers who are doing a good job for DMG clients. If I offered a salary, it would reduce the amount of money I could pay a more successful broker to subsidize someone less productive. Any successful enterprise rewards production over non-performance, not vice versa. This is America, the most entrepreneurial and opportunity oriented country in the world. This is the Stock Market, the most entrepreneurial and opportunity oriented business in the world. I want to attract confident, entrepreneurial, opportunity oriented individuals who want to be the best brokers and I want to pay them as much as possible.


Who were the biggest influences on you in your career?

There were many, from my parents, teachers, industry colleagues, but probably the most impactful influences came from my coaches. My high school coach was both a Collegiate All-American and National Champion multiple times. My college coach was an American Record holder and three-time Olympian. They helped develop my work ethic and competitive, never quit attitude. They showed me how to work towards long-term goals while dealing with setbacks and successes along the way. The talents my elite coaches helped me develop have served me well in business. I am excited to see that elite mentality continuing with my son, Jim III, who is coordinating our new broker mentoring program. Jim competed at a high level both nationally and internationally. When he was younger, he was on a national championship team and was a collegiate Academic All-American. The leadership is in place to continue to cultivate that competitive, never give up, strive to be the best attitude well into the future.


Are there opportunities for advancement?

Absolutely. Currently, we are a small, one office firm looking to grow. We have management opportunities at the home office and are eager to have the opportunity to open other branch offices. Our plan is to have future branch offices staffed internally. This will provide upward mobility opportunities for DMG associates. This will also allow us to maintain our level of professionalism by having new offices led by executives who have been trained and groomed to DMG’s high standards.


What is the risk of pursuing a career in the securities business?

The same risk that you have in any business, you may fail. But, if you succeed the rewards can be phenomenal. Individuals spend 4 years and hundreds of thousands of dollars for a college education without any guarantee of even a modestly rewarding job. Doesn’t it make sense to take a year or two to see if you can succeed at an extremely high paying career? Why settle for less? Even if you do fail, the experience you gain while spending time in this business will benefit you enormously, both personally and in other careers. But, if you succeed, the rewards can be enormous. In my opinion, the risk is minimal, but the reward is great. In all of my years of experience, the opportunity has never been better.


What are the qualities necessary for success?

First of all, you need honesty and integrity. There are additional qualities like intelligence, persistence, determination, a good work ethic, positive attitude, and enthusiasm, but if you don’t have honesty and integrity you won’t last in the business and you don’t deserve to be in this business. We buy and sell for our customers based on conversations, no written contract, just the honesty and integrity of spoken words. That is wonderful. I have people that I have trusted for 40 years. I have also had people be dishonest with me once and I’ve never dealt with them again. If you lie to get one thing, you will lie to get other things, you will lie to clients. If you have a flaw in your character it will catch up with you and you won’t last. I’ve had trainees lie to me just to get licensing and training then leave for another firm, but inevitably they bounce around from a firm or two, and then are out of the business. They were not smart enough to realize that if their new firm was not willing to invest in their licensing and training, that firm didn’t care about them and was just using them. But, they would not have been in that predicament in the first place if they had honesty and integrity.


Does DMG do any online business?

We have a responsibility to keep safe, as best we can, our client’s private, confidential, personal, and financial information. It seems that every few weeks you hear reports of either individual identities or company customer lists being hacked and stolen. We made a decision from the very start to do our best to protect our clients and it was absolutely the right decision. We do not do online business or communicate with our customers online.


Does DMG do penny stocks?

No. To my knowledge, DMG has never recommended a single penny stock to a customer. Typically, DMG brokers suggest stocks that are traded on the NYSE or NASDAQ.


What have you enjoyed most about your conversations with the candidates you have interviewed?

Everything. I enjoy watching an individual’s eyes light up and their enthusiasm grow as they hear more about the opportunity at DMG, which I am very proud to talk about. I have found that it is important to get the facts out about DMG because I have learned that there is some false and misleading information on the Internet. I don’t know if it was planted by a jealous competitor, an embarrassed former broker trying to make an excuse for their personal failure, or just some uninformed or dishonest troublemaker. It has given me a chance to set the record straight on our outstanding brokers and firm. I have encouraged individuals to visit FINRA.ORG, a securities regulatory website, which allows you to check the history of any individual or firm in the industry. I challenge you to find a firm that does the type of business we do that has a better regulatory record than DMG. I challenge you to find a firm that has brokers that have a better regulatory record than the brokers at DMG since I bought the firm in 2001. I challenge you to find an owner of a firm that has been in the securities business for over 40 years, in the high profile positions I have held, that has a better regulatory record than I do. If you look at the facts, I think DMG compares favorably with anyone. When you are successful, you are subject to attacks from the have-nots. The Internet has many benefits, but it is a shame that any fool can write any idiotic thing they want and that many sites are so terribly irresponsible. Ignorance seems to be rampant online. Fortunately, we have the luxury of choosing to deal with intelligent individuals who have the wisdom to use facts to make their investment and career decisions.



Opportunity Meetings


DMG Securities, Inc. will be hosting a number of general information sessions that discuss the securities industry as well as career opportunities as a stockbroker with our firm. Individuals will have an opportunity to visit our branch office in the Washington D.C area and meet with experienced DMG professionals to learn more about our profession and our organization.


We ask that all individuals who wish to attend, call 1-800-697-7580 to inquire about our next scheduled opportunity meeting and to learn how to receive an invitation and secure a reservation.


Interested candidates who are unable to attend should mail, fax, or e-mail their resumes.


DMG Securities, Inc.

746 Walker Road, Suite 10

Great Falls, VA 22066





Fax: 703-757-9750 (for human resource purposes only)

E-mail: (for human resource purposes only)





From Capital Beltway:


Take the VA-193 Georgetown Pike EXIT (44) towards Great Falls, Va.


Stay on Georgetown Pike for approximately 6.2 miles.


Turn left onto Walker Road.  The DMG Building is on your right.




DMG Securities, Inc.

746 Walker Road, Suite 10

Great Falls, Virginia 22066





(703) 757-9900

(800) 697-7580

DMG Securities wealth consultation




Copyright © 2023 | DMG Securities, Inc.